February 7 – April 17, 2016

SKIN examined the work artists who are inspiring dialogue about race and identity, while challenging the very definitions. This exhibition addressed issues that had been increasingly prominent since President Obama’s election, which is symbolic of both strides in race relations, as well as ruptures in the “skin” that binds us. During 2016, racially charged events in Ferguson, Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, New York City, Prairie View, Charleston, Oakland, and Southern California also revealed chasms in the issues of race and identity and subsequently, became a growing part of the national dialogue. Artists in Los Angeles and throughout the country had been galvanized by these events, inspiring new works, many of which were showcased in SKIN.


Featured Artists Included: Geordy Zodidat Alexis, James Berson, April Bey, Maura Brewer, Ben Caldwell, Audrey Chan, Christopher Christion, Holly Crawford, Ken Gonzales-Day, Fabian Debora, Cole James, Camella DaEun Kim, Zeal Harris, Malisa Humphrey, Farrah Karapetian, Ann Le, Nery Gabriel Lemus, Derrick Maddox, Michael Massenburg, Kathie Foley-Meyer, Larissa Nickel, Margaret Noble, Duane Paul, Linda Ravenswood, Megan Reed, Kaitlynn Redell, Bruce Richards, Bryan Rodriguez Cambana, Sandy Rodriguez, Daniel Rothman, Yoshie Sakai, Cauleen Smith, Gabriel Sosa, Holly Tempo, Kara Walker and Jessica Wimbley.

Skin Exhibition Statement